Volume 60, Number 7-8, 2015
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Bergman Representative Coordinates on the Siegel-Jacobi Disk Stefan Berceanu Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
867-896 (2015)
We underline some differences between the geometric aspect of Berezin’s approach to quantization on homogeneous Kähler manifolds and Bergman’s construction for bounded domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ . We construct explicitly the Bergman representative coordinates for the Siegel-Jacobi disk $\mathcal{D}_{1}^{J}$, which is a partially bounded manifold whose points belong to $\mathbb{C} \times \mathcal{D}_1$, where $\mathcal{D}_1$ denotes the Siegel disk. The Bergman representative coordinates on $\mathcal{D}_{1}^{J}$ are globally defined, the Siegel-Jacobi disk is a normal Kähler homogeneous Lu Qi-Keng manifold, whose representative manifold is the Siegel-Jacobi disk itself.
New Complex 6-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices Petre Dita Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
897-903 (2015)
It is well known that Hadamard matrices of dimension 6 × 6 have been a main concern for many people working in the field. In this paper we make use of a special circulant matrix for finding new complex Hadamard matrices whose entries are numerical complex numbers.
Conservation Laws and Symmetries of mKdV–KP Equation M.S. Hashemi, S. Abbasbandy, M.S. Alhuthali, H.H. Alsulami Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
904-917 (2015)
In this paper, the Lie symmetry analysis is applied to investigate new solutions of the modified Korteweg-de Vries–Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (mKdV–KP) equation. The reduction method that was introduced by Nucci, is employed to solve some of the obtained reduced ordinary differential equations. The conservation laws, using a new conservation theorem, are derived for the underlying equation.
Generalized Laguerre-Gauss-Radau Scheme for First Order Hyperbolic Equations on Semi-Infinite Domains A.H. Bhrawy, R.M. Hafez, E.O. Alzahrani, D. Baleanu, A.A. Alzahrani Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
918-934 (2015)
In this article, we develop a numerical approximation for first-order hyperbolic equations on semi-infinite domains by using a spectral collocation scheme. First, we propose the generalized Laguerre-Gauss-Radau collocation scheme for both spatial and temporal discretizations. This in turn reduces the problem to the obtaining of a system of algebraic equations. Second, we use a Newton iteration technique to solve it. Finally, the obtained results are compared with the exact solutions, highlighting the performance of the proposed numerical method.
Exact Solutions of the Generalized Pochhammer–Chree Equation with Sixth-Order Dispersion Houria Triki, Abdelkrim Benlalli, Abdul-Majid Wazwaz Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
935-951 (2015)
Nonlinear waves described by the generalized Pochhammer–Chree equation are analytically investigated. The addition of the sixth-order dispersion term, which will drastically change the characteristics of the equation, is examined. We employ the sine-cosine method to derive a variety of exact solutions of distinct physical structures including solitons, compactons, periodic and solitary pattern solutions for the adopted model, in the presence of the sixth-order dispersion term. The solitary wave ansatz method is used as well to obtain bright, singular, and dark soliton solutions. Parametric conditions for the existence of the exact solutions are given. The obtained results show that the generalized Pochhammer–Chree equation with sixth order dispersion reveals the richness of explicit soliton and periodic solutions. It should be noted that the study of a new model admitting soliton-type solutions is very important and these solutions will be useful for future research work.

Group Analysis and Conservation Laws of a Coupled System of Partial Differential Equations Describing the Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid Gangwei Wang, A. H. Kara, Eerdun Buhe, K. Fakhar Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
952-960 (2015)
We investigate a coupled system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing the carbon nanotubes conveying fluid using the generalized symmetry analysis, the multiplier approach, and a new conservation theorem. The symmetries and the conservation laws of the coupled system of PDEs are given.
Solitons and Other Solutions to Gardner Equation by Similarity Reduction Y.C. Guo, A. Biswas Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
961-970 (2015)
The similarity reductions and similarity solutions for the Gardner equation are presented in this paper. Some new analytical solutions are obtained by using the Lie group method of infinitesimals and a special similarity reduction is obtained by the Clarkson and Kruskal direct method. The results of similarity reduction have shown the importance and usefulness of Gardner equation.
Application of Fractional Variational Iteration Method for Solving Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation Birol İbiş Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
971-979 (2015)
In this paper, the fractional variational iteration method is applied to obtain an analytical approximate solution for the time and space fractional Fokker-Planck equation. We illustrated the applicability and efficiency of the FVIM for solving fractional Fokker-Planck equation by two examples. The results from these examples show that the method is both simple and powerful for solving the fractional Fokker-Planck equation involving Jumarie’s modified Riemann-Liouville derivative.
Cosmic Strings and Anisotropic Universe K.L. Mahanta, S.K. Tripathy Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
980-992 (2015)
Plane symmetric bulk viscous string cosmological models with strange quark matter are investigated. We have incorporated bulk viscous pressure to study its affect on the properties of the model. Assuming an anisotropic relationship among the metric potentials, we have tried to put some constraints on the anisotropic parameter.
Nuclear Physics
Systematics of the Pairing Coherence Length D.S. Delion, V.V. Baran Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
993-1009 (2015)
We investigate the coherence length by comparing the density dependent delta (DDD) pairing interaction to the Gaussian interaction with different width parameters. We compare three Gaussian widths corresponding to (a) the standard singlet bare potential, (b) the geometrical nuclear radius and (c) a selfconsistent procedure. In the last case pairing equations are solved with an additional ”selfconsistent” condition, by identifying the coherence length to the width of the Gaussian two-body nuclear interaction. This assumption is based on the observation that the coherence length outside the nucleus approaches the width of the interaction in the free space. We consider in our calculations bound states as well as narrow resonances. The case (a) has the remarkable property to reproduce the experimental gap parameter for very light nuclei. It turns out that the correlations induced by the pairing interaction have a long range character, namely the coherence length is much larger than the geometrical radius for light nuclei and approaches this value for heavy nuclei in all investigates cases. It turns out that the Gauss interaction (b) and the surface density dependent pairing potential give similar gap distributions. On the other hand, the ”selfconsistent” version of the Gaussian (c) has similar properties to the case (b). Strong shell effects are evidenced.

Asymmetry Energy of Nuclear Matter: Temperature and Density Dependence, and Validity of Semi-Empirical Formula G. H. Bordbar, R. Feridoonnezhad, M. Taghizade Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1010-1018 (2015)
In this work, we have done a completely microscopic calculation using a manybody variational method based on the cluster expansion of energy to compute the asymmetry energy of nuclear matter. In our calculations, we have employed the $AV_{18}$ nuclear potential. We have also investigated the temperature and density dependence of asymmetry energy. Our results show that the asymmetry energy of nuclear matter depends on both density and temperature. We have also studied the effects of different terms in the asymmetry energy of nuclear matter. These investigations indicate that at different densities and temperatures, the contribution of parabolic term is very substantial with respect to the other terms. Therefore, we can conclude that the parabolic approximation is a relatively good estimation, and our calculated binding energy of asymmetric nuclear matter is in a relatively good agreement with that of semi-empirical mass formula. However, for the accurate calculations, it is better to consider the effects of other terms.
Atomic Physics
General Static Polarizability in Spherical Neutral Metal Clusters and Fullerenes within Thomas-Fermi Theory D.I. Palade, V. Baran Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1019-1031 (2015)
We study the static linear response in spherical Thomas-Fermi systems deriving a simple differential equation for the general multipolar moments and the associated polarizabilities. We test the validity of the equation on the sodium clusters having between 20 and 100 atoms and on fullerenes between C60 and C240 and propose it for general Thomas-Fermi systems. Our simple method provides results which deviates from experimental data with less then 10%.
Approximate Analytical Solutions of the Thomas - Fermi Equation by a Direct Method Lazhar Bougoffa, Randolph C. Rach Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1032-1039 (2015)
In this paper, we propose a direct method to obtain an exact solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation. An approximate analytic solution is also obtained, which demonstrates to be quite accurate by comparison with the Sommerfeld, numerical and variational solutions.
Elementary Particle Physics
A Semi Perturbative Method for QED Renata Jora, Joseph Schechter Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1040-1051 (2015)
We compute the QED beta function using a new method of functional integration. It turns out that in this procedure the beta function contains only the first two orders coefficients and thus corresponds to the ’t Hooft renormalization scheme.
Renormalization of Infrared Singularities in a Three-Loop Multiparton Web Using the Soft Exponentiation Method Adrian Bodnarescu Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1052-1067 (2015)
We aim to analyze the infrared singularities of scattering amplitudes for soft gluon emission between external massive partons, using the soft gluon exponentiation method, in terms of sets of diagrams known as webs. In renormalizing these divergences we use an infrared regulator and introduce the finite soft anomalous dimension function. This anomalous dimension was computed for one-loop diagrams and two-loop diagrams, but the three-loop research is still open. As a new contribution to this, we consider six three-loop diagrams, composing the W1113 web. We compute the kinematic factor of one of them, and we derive its singularities to all orders. Then, we are able to find some symmetry relations, which enable us to analyze all the other five diagrams from computing only one. In the end, we present a method of solving the integrals, entering these webs, obtaining actually two contributions to the three-loop anomalous dimension.
Condensed Matter
The Spinodal Curve of the System Water – 1-Butanol – 1-Propanol According to the Wheeler – Widom Model Roberto Sartorio, Cristina Stoicescu Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1068-1086 (2015)
The spinodal curve of the system water – 1-butanol – 1-propanol has been determined, from the literature Liquid – Liquid – Equilibrium data (LLE), by using the Mean Field Approximation (MFA) on the Generalized Wheeler – Widom – Huckaby Model (GWWHM). The results are compared with those obtained for the system water – 1-pentanol – 1-propanol.
Acoustic Polaron in Spherical Quantum Dots Junhua Hou, Hao Li Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1087-1094 (2015)
The interaction of electron and the acoustic phonon in spherical quantum dot systems is investigated theoretically. The electron-acoustic phonon coupling Hamiltonian is derived by taking the divergence of the displacement vector of the acoustic phonon. The variational calculations for the ground-state energies and their derivatives of the acoustic polaron in quantum dot systems are numerically performed for different cutoff wave-vectors. The criterions for presence of the self-trapping transition of the acoustic polaron in spherical quantum dots are determined quantitatively. The results demonstrate that the electron in wideband-gap semiconductors and alkali halides quantum dot structures will have the self-trapping transition.
Medical Physics
Linear-Quadratic Model Applied in Reirradiation of Brain Metastases L. Rebegea, D. Firescu, M. Dumitru, M. Dumitrache, C. Diaconu Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1095-1102 (2015)
The treatment of patients who have experienced intracranial progression of brain metastases after whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) is a clinical challenge. The purpose of our retrospective study is to describe the clinical outcomes of the application of linear-quadratic model in reirradiation of brain metastases (M1BRA) and to present the experience of Radiotherapy Department – Sf. Ap. Andrei Emergency Clinical Hospital, Galati with respect to the re-irradiation of patients with progressive or recurrent brain metastatic disease after initial WBRT. Between January 2006 and December 2013, 43 patients were treated with WBRT for brain metastases and retreated with WBRT at a later date. The median age was 58 years old. The most common primary sites were lung (46.51% of cases) and breast (16.28% of patients). he most frequent dose used for the initial radiotherapy was 30 Gy/10 fractions (72.09% of patients). The most common fractionation schema of re-irradiation was 20 Gy/10 fractions (67.44% patients). Thirty per cent of patients experienced a complete clinical response after re-irradiation, 33% had partial response, 22% remained stable; 15% manifested progression of disease after re-irradiation.

Correlation between the Secondary Structure Elements in the Spatial Arrangement of the Ef-Hand Calcium Binding Proteins Dana Craciun, Adriana Isvoran Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1103-1111 (2015)
We use the spectral analysis and detrended fluctuation analysis methods to explore the series of data describing the secondary structure motifs of EF-hand calcium binding proteins (EFCaBPs). There are two types of EFCaBPs: calcium sensors usually exhibiting extended spatial structures and calcium buffers usually displaying compact spatial structures. The description of secondary structure motifs of investigated proteins is performed using the SA-Mot analysis method, implemented on-line under SA-Mot server (http://sa-mot.mti.univ-paris-diderot.fr/). The values of both spectral coefficient (obtained using spectral analysis method) and scaling exponent (obtained using detrended fluctuation analysis method) reveal long-range correlation in the successive positioning of the secondary structure motifs in the spatial arrangement of the EF-hand calcium binding proteins and there are not distinct characteristics for extended and compact EFCaBPs.

Synthetic Anabolic Steroids Binding to the Human Androgen Receptor Alecu Aurel Ciorsac, Iuliana Popescu, Adriana Isvoran Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1112-1120 (2015)
Within this study we assess the affinity binding of a few synthetic anabolic oral administrable steroids: oxymetholone, oxandrolone, methandrostenolone and stanozolol to the human androgen receptor (hARLBD) and a few nonspecific receptors. Molecular docking studies reveal that all these steroids are able to bind to the hARLBD and other nuclear and hormone receptors, despite the law sequence similarity between these receptors. The highest binding energy is registered for methandrostenolone binding to hARLBD, its molecular properties being the most similar to those of the natural ligand, testosterone. Stanozolol provides higher interaction energies for nonspecific receptors in comparison to its interaction with hARLBD. As the molecular properties of all investigated steroids are comparable, these results also illustrate that even small differences in the ligand properties have impact on the interaction strength. Also, computational characterization of structural properties of the hARLBD reveals that androgenic synthetic steroids binding cavity is highly hydrophobic suggesting their possible binding to hydrophobic cavities in various proteins in correlation with their observed side effects.
Applied Optics
Photoacoustic Measurements of the CO2 Absorption Coefficients within Infrared Region of CO2 Laser Spectrum I.R. Ivascu, C.E. Matei, M. Patachia, A.M. Bratu, D.C. Dumitras Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1121-1131 (2015)
Absorption coefficients of the carbon dioxide (CO2) were measured at atmospheric pressure and room temperature by photoacoustic technique with a cw, line-tunable, frequency stabilized CO2 laser. The CO2 laser spectrum of our system consists in 53 lines with wavelengths ranging from 9.2 μm to 10.8 μm and power levels below 5 W. Measured values of the CO2 absorption coefficients are typically of 10-3 atm-1cm-1 order of magnitude, with the highest absorption coefficient of 3.01×10-3 atm-1cm-1 observed at 9P(18) laser transition. Compared with other values reported in the literature, the obtained results revealed a good agreement.
Improvement of a Photoacoustic Technique for the Analysis of Non-Organic Bananas During Ripening Process C. Popa, D. Dumitras, M. Patachia, S. Banita Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1132-1138 (2015)
Bananas are one of the most consumed foods in all the world, and despite the huge market, we have very limited areas that possess the tropical climate necessary to produce the perfect banana, and they must be imported from far away lands. This study is based on research in non-organic bananas obtained from supermarkets, and a particular attention is paid to the analysis of the ethylene gaseous hormone from green stage to yellow bananas with brown flecks stage in biotic conditions – synthetic air flow. In the same time we have examined the potential of laser photoacoustic spectroscopy-LPAS as a sensitive and fast response method for trace ethylene detection, focusing on the effect of abiotic conditions – nitrogen flow and tested on non-organic bananas. The character of the determinations makes it possible to determine the emission sites of the gaseous hormone ethylene and their importance. The biotic conditions show the evolution of ethylene at four non-organic bananas stages, while the abiotic conditions increases the production of ethylene at bananas.
Environmental and Earth Physics
Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Hydrogeological Profile of Kavala Area, Northern Greece Thomas Spanos, Antoaneta Ene, Christina Xatzixristou, Agelos Papaioannou Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1139-1150 (2015)
In the present study thirty two representative sites have been selected for the collection of water samples from central water supplies in the region of Kavala, Northern Greece. Water source sites were identified depending on the geographical location. Seven physicochemical parameters (electric conductivity, chloride, sodium, total hardness, total alkalinity, bicarbonate and calcium) were analyzed monthly, in the period from January 2010 to December 2010. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped the 384 cases (32 × 12) of observation into three clusters (1: coastal, 2: lowland and 3: semi–mountainous) based on the similarities of potable water quality characteristics specific to geological origin. The mean plots of variables (Ward’s method) allowed the membership assignment of each parameter in the three–cluster solution. The classification scheme obtained through cluster analysis was confirmed by ANOVA. The mean values of the studied physicochemical parameters were found to be within the limits given in the 98/83/EC Directive. The water samples are appropriate for human consumption. The results of this study provide an overview of the hydrogeological profile of water supply system for the studied area.

Multivariate Analysis of Contamination of Alluvial Soils with Heavy Metals in Čačak, Serbia M. Papić, M. Vuković Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1151-1162 (2015)
The paper presents contents of ten most serious contaminants i.e. heavy metals and essential elements contained in alluvial soils on the territory of Čačak. Main elements (Cd, Pb, Hg, As, Cr, Ni, F, Cu, Zn and B) that can seriously affect soil fertility and production capacity were examined. We analysed samples collected from 30 different locations in close vicinity of the West Morava river, in both urban (industrial) and rural areas of Čačak. The samples were taken from a depth of 0 cm to 30 cm. According to the values of the Shapiro-Wilk’s test (0.05 significance level), contents of all the elements examined, except Cr were within the limits of normal distribution. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between Pb – Cu, Cr – Cu ($p < 0.05$), and F – Zn ($p < 0.01$). According to the results of T-test, there was no statistically significant difference between the sites located in rural area of the town and the ones located in urban (industrial) area. Cluster analysis (CA), which was used for clustering of locations with similar content of elements, gave 4 different clusters. Generally, our study infers that the alluvial soil in the municipality of Čačak cannot be considered as contaminated.

Modeling the Climate in the Area of Techirghiol Lake (Romania) Alina Barbulescu, Carmen Maftei Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1163-1170 (2015)
The water quality of Techirghiol Lake is of great importance for preserving its therapeutic properties. It is known that the water temperature is one of the factors that influence the production of sapropelic mud. Therefore, in this article we built a model that emphasizes the high dependence of the water temperature on the air temperature and we propose models that describe the evolution of daily and monthly air temperature in the study area using artificial neural networks. All the results prove a climatic stability, important for preserving the curative quality of the water of Techirghiol Lake.
Risks Assessment of Heavy Metals on Public Health Associated with Atmospheric Exposure to PM2.5 in Urban Area C. Radulescu, S. Iordache, D. Dunea, C. Stihi, I.D. Dulama Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1171-1182 (2015)
Risk assessments can provide reliable information for medical investigations and especially in understanding PM-related health effects. Particulate air pollutants have been associated with increased respiratory, cardiovascular and cancer mortality and morbidity, and with other health problems. The fine fraction includes particles with aerodynamic diameters of < 2.5 µm, and is referred to as PM2.5. These PM2.5 has shown a closer association with human adverse health effects than either particle < 10 µm (PM10) or total suspended particles (TSP). In addition, several studies suggest an association between motorized traffic-related air pollution and diminished pulmonary function and/or increased respiratory symptoms in children. It is well known that fine particles have high concentrations of many potentially toxic trace metals, such as cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc that can be incorporated into the body through inhalation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of PM2.5, and a series of toxic metals, including Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mn, Al, Sr, Fe and Zn, from eleven sampling points in Targoviste during spring period of 2013 in order estimate the potential impact on urban population health.

Experimental Studies on the Radioactivity and Exhalation Rate of Several Concrete Mixtures with Additions A. Cuibus, C. Cosma, L.E. Muntean, Z. Kiss Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1183-1192 (2015)
Radon emanation from building materials is the second most important source contributing to residential radon concentration. It is well known that residential Radon represents the second cause as importance, after smoking, for the setting of lung cancer. This paper presents an experimental study on radon emanation and radioactivity of seven concrete mixtures (one reference sample and six samples with 10% and 20% mineral additions) in specially manufactured shapes (cubes with a side of 15 cm). The test was performed with gamma spectrometry. Results show that the concentration of 226Ra did not vary significantly (versus the reference sample) in any of the mixtures under study (23.04 Bq/kg to 27.31 Bq/kg). However, the exhalation rates showed a slight increase in samples with 10% additions, respectively a significant decrease in the samples with 20% addition. The study highlights the importance of pore structure formed by adding the additives.

Use of Lithium Nitrate as a Potentially Corrosion Inhibitor for Radioactive Aluminium in Cementing Systems M. Nicu, L. Ionascu, C. Turcanu, F. Dragolici Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1193-1202 (2015)
The safe conditioning process of radioactive metallic aluminium generated during the decommissioning of VVR-S Research Nuclear Reactor, Magurele, is imposed by National regulations, before final disposal at Baita-Bihor repository. To respect waste acceptance criteria (WAC) for disposal, the matrix must be stable in time from chemical, physical, mechanic and geometric point of view. Generally, the most common matrix is based on cementing systems which develop in the hydration and setting steps a pore solution with a pH higher than the passivation (4.5 ÷ 8.5) domain for metallic aluminium. To decrease the chemical attack of metal in the alkaline medium, the protection of aluminium can be accomplished by passivation, coating or inhibition. The management of metallic radioactive waste impose the simplest processing, so passivation or coating can be difficult to realize, the inhibition being much easier by direct addition of the inhibition reagent directly in the cementing system. This research is focused on the use of lithium nitrate in the conditioning of radioactive aluminium, to minimize the alkaline corrosion and to improve the performances of the final radioactive waste package. The selected conditioning systems for characterizations were CEM III-A, CEM V-A and magnesium phosphate binders.

The Development of the Romanian VLF/LF Monitoring System as Part of the International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake Precursors (INFREP) I.A. Moldovan, A.P. Constantin, P.F. Biagi, D. Toma Danila, A.S. Moldovan, P. Dolea, V.E. Toader, T. Maggipinto Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1203-1217 (2015)
The Romanian VLF / LF monitoring system consists in a radio receiver and the infrastructure that is necessary to record and transmit the collected data, and is part of the international initiative INFREP and was put into operation in December 2009 on the Black-Sea shore (Dobruja Seismologic Observatory – Dob-RO). Since then the system was developed by replacing the vertical antenna with a magnetic loop-type one, by installing a vertical electric field monitor and a weather station, and by designing special software for the transfer, storage and initial processing of data using the LabView software platform.
Studies on the Influence of Two Large Earthquakes (M>6) Upon 9 kHz Sferics Recorded from Kolkata P. Hazra, S. Barui, S.S. De, S. Paul Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1218-1224 (2015)
The outcome of the analyses of some significant observations in the records of VLF sferics over Kolkata (Lat. 22.56º N, Long. 88.5º E) at 9 kHz during the occurrences of two large earthquakes on July 07, 2013 will be presented here. Discrete spike-type signals are obtained as the precursors of two earthquakes with magnitude M > 6. The number of spikes and their intensities are found to vary irregularly and reached their maximum value on the day of occurrence. It then decreases gradually and finally ceased.
Complex Monitoring and Alert System for Seismotectonic Phenomena Victorin-Emilian Toader, Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Constantin Ionescu Romanian Journal of Physics 60,
1225-1233 (2015)
The paper describes a complex multidisciplinary monitoring system designed for Vrancea seismic area (bending area of Carpathians Mountains). This includes hardware (stations with sensors, acquisition and communication equipment) and software for data processing in real time. The result of this work is the growth of an alert service through: perfecting risk evaluation, seismic and climate forecast, informing the decision factors regarding the impact minimization of natural disasters and the education of the population. The information from database will help the scientists to develop the system and to improve their knowledge for other applications. A monitoring network involves a multidisciplinary activity that highlights the interdependence of environmental factors (air, earth) and their balance under normal conditions. Weather or seismic events represent the point of maximum imbalance. Electromagnetic, infrasound, seismoacoustic at high frequencies, air ionization and solar radiation monitoring, in correlation with global and local environmental factors (including seismic zones), is a new approach for atmospheric study in our area. Figure 1 describes a global structure of system. Data are acquired from ground (National Institute for Earth Physics – NIEP seismic stations) and satellites.