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Romanian Journal of Physics
Journal recognized by the European Physics Society,
indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded™,
Scopus and Journal Citation Reports™/Science Edition (JCR)
Volume 60, Number 7-8, 2015
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Bergman Representative Coordinates on the Siegel-Jacobi Disk
Stefan Berceanu
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 867-896 (2015)
New Complex 6-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices
Petre Dita
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 897-903 (2015)
Conservation Laws and Symmetries of mKdV–KP Equation
M.S. Hashemi, S. Abbasbandy, M.S. Alhuthali, H.H. Alsulami
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 904-917 (2015)
Generalized Laguerre-Gauss-Radau Scheme for First Order Hyperbolic Equations on Semi-Infinite Domains
A.H. Bhrawy, R.M. Hafez, E.O. Alzahrani, D. Baleanu, A.A. Alzahrani
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 918-934 (2015)
Exact Solutions of the Generalized Pochhammer–Chree Equation with Sixth-Order Dispersion
Houria Triki, Abdelkrim Benlalli, Abdul-Majid Wazwaz
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 935-951 (2015)
Group Analysis and Conservation Laws of a Coupled System of Partial Differential Equations Describing the Carbon Nanotubes Conveying Fluid
Gangwei Wang, A. H. Kara, Eerdun Buhe, K. Fakhar
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 952-960 (2015)
Solitons and Other Solutions to Gardner Equation by Similarity Reduction
Y.C. Guo, A. Biswas
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 961-970 (2015)
Application of Fractional Variational Iteration Method for Solving Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation
Birol İbiş
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 971-979 (2015)
Cosmic Strings and Anisotropic Universe
K.L. Mahanta, S.K. Tripathy
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 980-992 (2015)
Nuclear Physics
Systematics of the Pairing Coherence Length
D.S. Delion, V.V. Baran
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 993-1009 (2015)
Asymmetry Energy of Nuclear Matter: Temperature and Density Dependence, and Validity of Semi-Empirical Formula
G. H. Bordbar, R. Feridoonnezhad, M. Taghizade
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1010-1018 (2015)
Atomic Physics
General Static Polarizability in Spherical Neutral Metal Clusters and Fullerenes within Thomas-Fermi Theory
D.I. Palade, V. Baran
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1019-1031 (2015)
Approximate Analytical Solutions of the Thomas - Fermi Equation by a Direct Method
Lazhar Bougoffa, Randolph C. Rach
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1032-1039 (2015)
Elementary Particle Physics
A Semi Perturbative Method for QED
Renata Jora, Joseph Schechter
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1040-1051 (2015)
Renormalization of Infrared Singularities in a Three-Loop Multiparton Web Using the Soft Exponentiation Method
Adrian Bodnarescu
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1052-1067 (2015)
Condensed Matter
The Spinodal Curve of the System Water – 1-Butanol – 1-Propanol According to the Wheeler – Widom Model
Roberto Sartorio, Cristina Stoicescu
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1068-1086 (2015)
Acoustic Polaron in Spherical Quantum Dots
Junhua Hou, Hao Li
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1087-1094 (2015)
Medical Physics
Linear-Quadratic Model Applied in Reirradiation of Brain Metastases
L. Rebegea, D. Firescu, M. Dumitru, M. Dumitrache, C. Diaconu
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1095-1102 (2015)
Correlation between the Secondary Structure Elements in the Spatial Arrangement of the Ef-Hand Calcium Binding Proteins
Dana Craciun, Adriana Isvoran
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1103-1111 (2015)
Synthetic Anabolic Steroids Binding to the Human Androgen Receptor
Alecu Aurel Ciorsac, Iuliana Popescu, Adriana Isvoran
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1112-1120 (2015)
Applied Optics
Photoacoustic Measurements of the CO2 Absorption Coefficients within Infrared Region of CO2 Laser Spectrum
I.R. Ivascu, C.E. Matei, M. Patachia, A.M. Bratu, D.C. Dumitras
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1121-1131 (2015)
Improvement of a Photoacoustic Technique for the Analysis of Non-Organic Bananas During Ripening Process
C. Popa, D. Dumitras, M. Patachia, S. Banita
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1132-1138 (2015)
Environmental and Earth Physics
Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Hydrogeological Profile of Kavala Area, Northern Greece
Thomas Spanos, Antoaneta Ene, Christina Xatzixristou, Agelos Papaioannou
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1139-1150 (2015)
Multivariate Analysis of Contamination of Alluvial Soils with Heavy Metals in Čačak, Serbia
M. Papić, M. Vuković
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1151-1162 (2015)
Modeling the Climate in the Area of Techirghiol Lake (Romania)
Alina Barbulescu, Carmen Maftei
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1163-1170 (2015)
Risks Assessment of Heavy Metals on Public Health Associated with Atmospheric Exposure to PM2.5 in Urban Area
C. Radulescu, S. Iordache, D. Dunea, C. Stihi, I.D. Dulama
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1171-1182 (2015)
Experimental Studies on the Radioactivity and Exhalation Rate of Several Concrete Mixtures with Additions
A. Cuibus, C. Cosma, L.E. Muntean, Z. Kiss
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1183-1192 (2015)
Use of Lithium Nitrate as a Potentially Corrosion Inhibitor for Radioactive Aluminium in Cementing Systems
M. Nicu, L. Ionascu, C. Turcanu, F. Dragolici
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1193-1202 (2015)
The Development of the Romanian VLF/LF Monitoring System as Part of the International Network for Frontier Research on Earthquake Precursors (INFREP)
I.A. Moldovan, A.P. Constantin, P.F. Biagi, D. Toma Danila, A.S. Moldovan, P. Dolea, V.E. Toader, T. Maggipinto
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1203-1217 (2015)
Studies on the Influence of Two Large Earthquakes (M>6) Upon 9 kHz Sferics Recorded from Kolkata
P. Hazra, S. Barui, S.S. De, S. Paul
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1218-1224 (2015)
Complex Monitoring and Alert System for Seismotectonic Phenomena
Victorin-Emilian Toader, Iren-Adelina Moldovan, Constantin Ionescu
Romanian Journal of Physics 60, 1225-1233 (2015)